Pete Ryder & Sian Harry - My Barometer Is Right (But The Weather Is Wrong)

Published Thursday 21st April 2011
Pete Ryder & Sian Harry - My Barometer Is Right (But The Weather Is Wrong)
Pete Ryder & Sian Harry - My Barometer Is Right (But The Weather Is Wrong)

STYLE: Roots/Acoustic
RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 111123-18011
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

As Cross Rhythms has observed more than once, Northumberland-based folkster Pete Ryder is an acquired taste. Not everyone can relate to his gruff, rather eccentricly pitched vocals while his songs often need the most careful listen to grasp their meaning and message. But this must surely be the Ryder album which makes new additions to the small but loyal band of Ryder followers and is to my ears the best album the grizzled veteran has ever recorded. For a start, Pete's winning way with words is clearly demonstrated here, from the witty title track to the enigmatic "The Last Of The Light" to the C S Lewis-inspired "Light Behind The Sun". Currently my favourite is the laconic "Shopping At Ikea" but wherever you dip into this album you will find his usual mix of spiritual insights and surreal flights of fancy. What takes the album up to the next level is that Pete has addressed the production problems that beset many of his earlier albums. Gone is the demo quality sounds of old and the folk roots vibe is deftly executed and cleanly engineered. What takes 'My Barometer.' up to the heavenlies is the return of Pete's '70s musical compatriot Sian Harry. Her haunting soprano adds immensely to the raw appeal of Ryder's vocalising and whether singing lead or providing intuitive harmonies Sian's performance is near to faultless. The whole thing comes in a beautifully designed fold-out digipak. Wonderful stuff.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by terry ferdinand in bishop auckland @ 21:43 on May 12 2011

sounds interesting and innovative, look forward to hearing it

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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