The suicide deaths of 17 teenagers in and around Bridgend, Wales, since January 2007 has put the ugly subject of suicide back in the headlines across the UK and Europe as a whole.

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When people start sleeping at odd times, becoming tired during the day and overactive or restless at night, there may be deep psychological factors at work.

3. Changed Eating Patterns:

Excessive dieting or overeating may mask real emotional problems and self-rejection. The person may feel powerless to change their situation.

4. Apathy & Lack of Energy:

If a friend suddenly seems to lose interest in life, tiring of things that they used to find stimulating and interesting, you should take note.

5. Unexpected Cheerfulness after Long Depression:

This may mean that your friend has given up on his/her problems and may already have decided on a more drastic solution.

6. Aggression:

If a friend starts throwing temper tantrums, lashing out at others with physical violence or verbal abuse at the slightest provocation, keep a close eye on them.

7. Risk-Taking Behaviour:

When someone you care about suddenly and uncharacteristically starts getting into fights or taking unusual risks, take note. Sometimes, a sudden taste for playing 'chicken' on train tracks, or 'surfing' on from moving trains is a sign of deep disturbance.

8. Promiscuity:

For many people, especially the young, sexual promiscuity is a way of saying, 'I need affection and a reason to live.'

9. Truanting and Use of Drugs: