John 14:6, Romans 8:38-39, Deuteronomy 30:19, Matthew 6:33, Isaiah 9:7, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 8:28, James 1:17
Heather Bellamy reflects on reasons to have hope, be joyful and full of Life.

In recent years I've had a few experiences of 'life' being stripped away.
The first time was through illness; the second was because I needed to spend my pregnancy at home to help ensure our son was born; and this is now my third season, along with the rest of the nation, due to Coronavirus.
The first time was the hardest, because what I had instead of my life, was illness, and a deep, painful work that God was doing in me. But it was through this time, that I learned many valuable lessons, which changed me and my relationship with God, and meant that further seasons isolated from 'life' were much easier and enjoyable.
The most important lesson I learned, was that when life is stripped away, we still have life, because Jesus is Life! In fact we can have the most life ever, even when we have no walks around lakes, coffees out, time with family and friends, or whatever else we like to do.
Nothing can take this Life away from us!
But we have to turn our hearts towards this Life and choose it every day. We have to seek it.
Here are some other key truths I've learned, that can keep us joyful, hopeful and full of life, in seasons when we're home alone:
1) The Kingdom of God and Jesus' authority is always increasing, and He is always wanting it to increase in and through us, whatever is happening.
Even as everything else is decreasing in our lives, His salvation, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, healing, miracles, provision etc. can increase in and for us, and through us to others.
2) He always wants to use everything for our good.
While we're all shut away at home, He will have different blessings for each of us - ways He wants to use this time for our good.
He's a good Father and only ever gives good gifts. Coronavirus isn't from Him, and neither is any other illness, or bad, harmful thing.
All we have to do to receive everything He has for us, is to love Him in our social distancing and lockdown, and find what His purpose for us is at this time and live for that.
So in all of our very real current challenges, lack and loss, we all
have reason to hope, be joyful and full of Life.