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Lockdown With Lazarus And The Bronze Snake.
David Hellyer looks at where God is in all of this [18.08.20] Learning From The Birds
David Hellyer on speaking to God about what's really in your heart, not just what you think you should say to Him. [27.12.19] Give To God What Is God's
David Hellyer on the responsibility of bearing Christ's image. [10.05.19] Knowing The Value Of Your Call At Home Or Away
David Hellyer reflects on his call by God to stay in his home church and his brothers' call to move abroad. [23.11.18] Do Whatever Jesus Tells You
David Hellyer looks at when Jesus turned water into wine, and considers the importance of responding to whatever Jesus says. [02.03.18] Destination Vs Purpose
David Hellyer considers the implications for those around us when we get too driven. [14.07.17] Finding God's Perspective On Devil's Dyke
David Hellyer reflects on the importance of relying on God's Spirit, rather than our own strength. [12.01.17] We Are His Workmanship
David Hellyer considers what our value and purpose truly are. [22.07.16] On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand
David Hellyer considers the importance of building our lives on the foundation of Jesus. [11.01.16] But God...
David Hellyer from Kingdom Faith considers God's ability to intervene. [17.07.15]