Cross Rhythms Life Files

Check out our weekly Life Files written by different youth leaders and people doing great things with God. Or sign up for them on email and receive them direct to your computer. Take advantage of this FREE resource helping you to live out the Connection.

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Glyn BarrettBelieving For The Good Even When Things Are Bad
Glyn Barrett considers the importance of keeping your eyes on Who is with you through life's circumstances. [08.09.17]
Josiah ParrSeasons
Josiah Parr considers the importance of knowing what season you are in. [04.09.17]
Mike DaviesYou Are Better Than You Think
Mike Davies exhorts us to live our God given destiny. [25.08.17]
Deborah MitchellReceiving Jesus' Living Water
Deborah Mitchell considers the free gift offered to us by Jesus, whatever our background. [18.08.17]
David KramerWhen Was The Last Time You Had A Health Check?
David Kramer considers the importance of getting regular health 'check ups' with God. [04.08.17]
Ben DoggettKnow Of God Or Know Him
Ben Doggett reflects on what relationship and knowing Jesus means. [28.07.17]
Olumide KolawoleBefore The Dawn
Olumide Kolawole shares his testimony of waiting 12 years to have children, as he encourages us to have hope in our night experiences, as we wait for our dawn. [21.07.17]
David HellyerDestination Vs Purpose
David Hellyer considers the implications for those around us when we get too driven. [14.07.17]
Suzie BrockStop Begging And Fight!
Suzie Brock calls us to become overcomers in life. [07.07.17]
Steve GambillMaking The Most Of The Time We Have
Steve Gambill considers how to turn fleeting moments into forever memories. [29.06.17]

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