Cross Rhythms Life Files

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Matt WilloughbyWorshipping God Every Day
Matt Willoughby reflects on the importance of hoping in Jesus, rather than a holiday, or other escapes. [24.11.17]
Darren RoyGod's Love Language
Darren Roy considers how we can show God we love Him. [17.11.17]
Valerie ElliotWrapping Up The Year In Peace
Valerie Elliot considers how to finish the year well, with reflections on Philippians 4:6-8. [10.11.17]
Tim MurrayReform Comes From The Margins
Tim Murray considers the vital contribution made by those on the margins in church. [27.10.17]
Andre von MollendorffFive Factors Influencing This Generation
Andre von Mollendorff considers five of the main factors affecting young people today. [20.10.17]
Dale ElandThe Power Of God's Light
Dale Eland considers the importance of our thought patterns aligning with God's Word. [16.10.17]
Nik HookeyForgiveness
Nik Hookey reflects on the extent of God's forgiveness and how He expects us to forgive others. [05.10.17]
Tim LucasFaithful With Little, Faithful With Much
Tim Lucas exhorts us to live honest lives. [29.09.17]
Carl BelcherJourneying Into The Unknown
Carl Belcher exhorts us to have the faith to follow wherever God leads. [21.09.17]
Jim LoweSearching Scripture
Jim Lowe shares his inspiration for reading all of the Bible. [15.09.17]

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