Check out our weekly Life Files written by different youth leaders and people doing great things with God. Or sign up for them on email and receive them direct to your computer. Take advantage of this FREE resource helping you to live out the Connection. Sign up now to receive weekly Life Files, direct to your inbox. |

Darren Roy shares what God has taught him through Proverbs 3:5-6. [29.06.18]

Valerie Elliot meditates on scripture to help us find faith and joy. [22.06.18]

Andre von Mollendorff on why everyone should develop people skills and not just educational ability. [15.06.18]

Dale Eland considers how to best deal with situations that make us angry. [08.06.18]

Nik Hookey looks at popular beliefs and what the Bible actually says. [01.06.18]

Tim Lucas exhorts us to get close to the people and places around us, and not try to reach them from afar. [24.05.18]

Carl Belcher encourages us to stop looking inward, but rather look upward, for our resource to face the impossible. [18.05.18]

Jim Lowe shares how he's found fulfilment through learning to trust and rest in God. [11.05.18]

Glyn Barrett exhorts us to rely on God's track record and not our own ability. [04.05.18]

Josiah Parr looks at what it means to go at God's pace and in His timing. [27.04.18]