Continued from page 2

'Ah, but you reveal yourself to so few.' Lucifer slowly, lazily circled him. 'They saw your apparition here in Cornwall, in the year 495.' He gestured at a lofty crag in the distance. 'You revealed yourself to a fisherman, a lone hermit... a monk?' Lucifer's eyes narrowed. 'Who was he, Michael? Was he one of us?' he hissed. 'The angelic, or one of the Race of Men? Is Yehovah compelled to pre-empt my every move?'

'You waste my time, Lucifer,' Michael said coldly. 'You summoned me with the royal seal, yet you speak of trivia.' Lucifer observed him sceptically.

'More than trivia, I think, brother. No matter, I will assuage my curiousity another time.' Lucifer raised his hand to the skies. 'Let us get to business, Michael - our Father's business. And like Him, I, too, would converse of Messiah's.'

He surveyed the craggy shores of southwest Cornwall. 'And of this faded empire - this weakened lion ... this England.' He swung around. 'For she shall yet behold a king . . . this year, maybe next...'

He grinned mockingly at Michael, as when they used to swordfight in aeons past, in worlds long departed. 'Perhaps tonight, Michael, a messiah is born in Marazion.'

'Speak plainly, Lucifer,' snapped Michael, losing patience. 'Enough of your parables.'

'Ah, but do I speak the truth, or merely a fabrication?' Lucifer needled. 'Relay to our Father that I, too, shall send a messiah.'

'Our Father is omniscient,' Michael replied. 'He knows your every conversation. Your every thought is preceded and beheld by Him.'

'Ah, yes, but I stand by the legal process. I would have my thoughts on record in the royal courts in the codices of heaven. That is why you are here - so I meet the demands of ''His'' legal system.'

Michael indicated agreement. 'It shall be recorded as you request.'

'My strength ebbs from me...' Lucifer scanned the heavens, strangely agitated.

'The Nazarene is near...' An uncharacteristic dread crossed his marred countenance. 'You came alone?'

Michael nodded. 'Time runs down, brother,' he spoke softly, sorrow etched on his noble features.

Lucifer lifted his head, his breathing easing.