Be genuine and real. This is a place to worship God by giving up in prayer the sin and struggles, attitudes and apathy that are in your life. Put them in the incinerator to be burnt to ashes by God.

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too many barriers between you and me right now

please God, take away my fear of spending time with you- i feel like there are barriers between you and me right now. i don't want to feel like this anymore, its too confusing and depressing.

Submitted by C on 29 Oct 2007

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A wall in my way

I pray for release and for the end of my apathy and despair deep inside... the insecurity that eats away at me that i long to distinguish. I pray that people will pray for me.. I need fresh fellowship and to banish the fear that is within me and to break down the wall that seems so high between me an God.. That feels so high it makes me feel sometimes that i am going insane in my own world and mind. I pray for freedom, release and to know God again like i did... I feel a deep lost feeling and each area of my life is not defined or guided by him... My conciousness slips between reality and illusion of faith and doubting if its all real. I want the assurance of my faith and the conviction in my heart.. Pray for me.... Please... Thank you. J

Submitted by James on 28 Oct 2007

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Want to burn up the inner circle that no one is allowed in, want the fire of Jesus to melt the stone heart, want the living water to flow in tears - to replace the anger - have begun the process but would like prayer support. God bless you.

Submitted by gareth on 25 Oct 2007

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firstly thank you humanity for responding right now, for providing this opportunity,for the force of god working through mankind to allow me to type in this way. i have to speak out about abandonment. i lost parents through a sudden loss at a young age, it has made me cling to loves.. even when love was not returned..just pouring my heart and soul into them hoping blindly to get love back. The last one has sucked such a lot of life out of me i feel lke an empty blob of my former self...such a dysfunctional relationship all for its own selfish gains but i would return again and again like an addict, grabbing and snacthing at moments of joy and worth, in vain, as it pushed me away time and time again and told me we would not get on.znd i just keopt thinking i knew best..that was wrong that in time with my love the love would change become ended, just as a new life and love began..just as i became a mother but i still wondered why i didnt have a father for my child, why i couldnt feel the comfort of a partner and i screamed inside its unfair! why had been chosen to go it alone, i felt it was too hard for me, and for the child too- why just me when i felt so abandoned and so scared and alone. i hadnt done anything wrong i thought, why me? and my reactions to this experience were strong. i felt such anger, in waves at night in the day, i have blamed others who interfered- who didnt care (and i thought should have) and i have wanted to strike at others to say- you are wrong- why didnt you act in ways that are right not full of lies and ill communication and why cant you see you should give to life not take it away diminish it hurt it or make it turn in on itself..god saw me look at connections through tear-strained blurryeyes..and the connections i had suddenly seemed so fragile and flawed that i doubted everything i had thought was o.k before, sensing judgement and mistrust. I felt such pain my chest and head and wished it all away... then others who reached did so in a way i judged as vain or flippant (like no one really cared) ond worse i thought were doing what the last one did and use me for personal gain... i want to burn all these negative feelings as Im pushing good things away now through my despondency and despair...sometimes these emotions pop up i want to rise above them in flames and leave them like ashes behind me. I want to kick the burnt ashes to the wind, let them wash away with the rain and turn towards all i think is good again.

Submitted by d on 23 Oct 2007

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Father forgive me for allowing myself to be ensnared by the foolish and temporary things of this world. Thank you that you came to set the captives free, that He who the Son sets free, is free indeed. Help this to be a living reality in my life by the power of your Holy Spirit. Set me free, and forgive me for foolishness. I love you,

Submitted by C on 22 Oct 2007

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Daddy LORD, You know all my faults and flaws yet You give me so much love and so much care that i adore You. i would like to be less stubborn and arguementative to YOu and never tell You that i love You unless its genuinely done.and most of all a little bit obedient!

Submitted by margaret on 21 Oct 2007

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prayer life

Dear Lord Jesus, I just ask you to help me improve my prayer life, I know its the most important thing. the trouble is I get so easily bored & distracted. I pray in tongues but I cant stand the sound of my own voice. I ve read loads of books on prayer to make it more interesting but I dont do it, even so only fleetingly. Help me to earn a decent living. thank you for this site opportunity to pray like this

Submitted by H on 17 Oct 2007

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Lord God I have had so many idols in my life that have come before you. Lord I see that so many things have got in the way....because I have let them. Lord God I pray that you would help me and all my brothers and sisters to really put you first in our lives. that we would seek you first and then see you add to us. Being single I know is a blessing but sometimes it feels so lonely. Lord God I thank you that you are the best friend anyone can ever have. The best Lord the best Husband. Lord please change me that I would know in my heart you are all I need. I know you are. i have faith. Lord I just pray my flesh catches up ..Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I love you jesus. Amen

Submitted by E on 16 Oct 2007

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i want to break free

Lord, i'm here again asking for you to keep my heart pure from thoughts of self-rejection, self-doubt, insecurity and jealousy. i feel that there is still some dead wood there- the roots of my "issues" are deep-seated, and i still need your healing touch in area of trusting others and relating to them. You know that i find men wanting to spend time with me a bit scary still, tho' i'm not a shy person on the outside; i can still feel nervous of intimacy; cos i think i may harm that person, or do something that will make me look stupid. Deal with my anger and paranoia, God. I thank you that i'm feeling calmer than i was a month ago. Thank you for the healing you have already given me- please help me to trust that i will be safe as you take me onto the next level of restoration. Help me to know when i am strong enough to strip away the walls of pride and self-sufficiency i've tried to shield myself with. i want to be able to soar like an eagle, not feel these chains gripping me when i try to break free. i can still feel these "chains" cutting into me, as i struggle to break free.

Submitted by C on 4 Oct 2007

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I want YOu, Father God

I want You GOd, I want You GOd, I don´t want to live for myself anymore and I don´t want to be distracted by this world and all this running around without getting anywhere... No more pleasing men and being afraid of them, wanting their aprooval... I want You, God. I want You to reign over me, to control me, to have me... I want to love You deeply and with all my heart, my mind, my strenght... I want You GOd and not the things that YOu can give me... Just teach me, lead me into You and then I´ll be free and complete, and the child YOu created me to be... I need You desperately...

Submitted by Gisele on 1 Oct 2007

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