Michael Card - The Early Years (Repackage)

Published Saturday 7th January 2006
Michael Card - The Early Years (Repackage)
Michael Card - The Early Years (Repackage)

STYLE: Roots/Acoustic
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 19734-11531
LABEL: Sparrow SPD68375
RRP: £6.99

Reviewed by Matt Crossman

Michael Card's pedigree is matched only by the sheer scale of his productivity - a quick glance at his discography on the Cross Rhythms website shows no fewer than 50 entries. So why should you buy this dip into his back catalogue above all the others - especially as it's a repackage of a 1996 release? Well, the songs are an odd meld of artful crafty poems set to backings of expressive piano and swooping orchestral grandeur with the occasional picked acoustic and '80s electro drum loop. Occasional tinges of country, Celtic and even Bruce Hornsby show through on some songs, though the subject matter stays firmly within the great themes of the story of Jesus - incarnation and salvation in particular. The songs also see Card poetically exploring the humanity behind biblical characters such as Joseph on "Joseph's Song". There's even a rare chance to hear a remastering of the title track from the 12 inch 'Scandalon' released in 1985. If you haven't come across this artist before this might be one to try out - but I can't help feeling that if you know him already you'd have most of these tracks at your disposal. I usually say that compilations such as these are for the casual CCM nostalgists seeking a trip down memory lane.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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