Jonathan Bellamy heard John Chadwick's life story.

Continued from page 1

A Fresh Start After A Life Of Alcohol, Violence And Prison - Part 1

John: Not until in my 30s, but that was after countless times in prison. The drinking was always quite enjoyable at the time. Then when I went to prison, I had friends in there from the same area and so I had a laugh.

Jonathan: Why did you get into crime?

John: It was mostly anger. When I'm in the drink, I become a very angry person. At times I've wanted to blow the world up, or blow myself up, just because of the anger and the upset and the fear that has controlled me most of my life. I've always covered my emotions with drinking. If there has ever been a problem in my life, I drink and that's become a pattern, which has lasted up until two weeks ago.

Jonathan: Did you get violent at times?

John: Yes. Most of my crime has been violence. I can honestly say that I've been beat up most times, because I want to fight the biggest person. When I'm in drink, I go for the biggest person.

Jonathan: How frequently would you be getting into fights?

John: Every week sometimes. If it didn't lead to charges, then trips to the hospital, but every week and as time went on, sometimes it was every other day.

Jonathan: Tell me about the circumstances that led up to your first time in prison?

John: My first time in prison was for burglary. Me and a couple of other guys had got tanked up and we didn't have any more money to buy drink. So I went and broke in to somebody's house and stole jewellery. I went to pawn that to fund our drinking.

Jonathan: And when did you get caught?

John: About three days later. My memory has gone over the years with the drink and everything, so it's difficult to recall. We were in the pub three days later and we were still spending the money and the police walked in and we were away.

Jonathan: How old were you?

John: 19

Jonathan: What was that like at 19, to be caught by the police and then find yourself in the system, about to come before a magistrate?