Check out our weekly Life Files written by different youth leaders and people doing great things with God. Or sign up for them on email and receive them direct to your computer. Take advantage of this FREE resource helping you to live out the Connection. Sign up now to receive weekly Life Files, direct to your inbox. |

Paul Calvert exhorts us to be sensitive to people's struggles. [06.09.19]

Cleland Thom on location, location, location. [30.08.19]

Dale Eland challenges us as to whether our communities would notice if our spiritual power was removed. [23.08.19]

Andre von Mollendorff on equipping young people to live in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous times. [16.08.19]

Tim Lucas on the simplicity and complexity of following God. [09.08.19]

Jim Lowe on the reasons why we shouldn't romanticise the past. [02.08.19]

Deborah Mitchell on the revolution of putting Jesus first before we outwardly serve. [26.07.19]

David Kramer looks at what becoming a new creation means. [19.07.19]

Ibby Oke on how to seek God's kingdom first. [12.07.19]

Olu Kolawole helps us take encouragement from scripture in the power of prayer. By Olumide Kolawole - Living Water Parish Stoke [05.07.19]