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Almost half of artists face sexual harassment in the music industry, new researched claims. Most victims fear speaking out due to a culture with "few consequences for the perpetrators". | |
Sex | The Sentinel, 23rd October |
One in 50 male offenders in prisons say they are transgender, according to survey results released in July by the Inspectorate of Prisons. | |
Sex | - Evangelicals Now, September 2019 |
There are now more people living in the UK who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) than ever before, new figures show. Data published by the Office for National Statistics shows that an estimated 1.1 million people, aged 16 or over, identified as LGB in 2017, with the proportion of the population up from 1.5 percent in 2012, to 2 percent. | |
Sex | The Sentinel, January 23rd 2019 |
One in five British festival goers have experienced sexual assault or harassment at an event, according to new research. Campaigners said the figures should be a wake-up call for the industry. The poll showed 22% of all Britons who have been to a festival faced some kind of unwanted sexual behaviour, rising to almost one in three of women (30%) and almost half (43%) of women under 40. | |
Sex | The Sentinel – 18th June 2018 |
The vast majority of MPs do not think it is right that the Digital Economy Act makes non-photographic child sex abuse images available online, after age verification. ComRes polling conduced on behalf of CARE shows 71 per cent of MPs are not happy with this accommodation of animated child sex abuse images and that number jumps to 76 per cent of female MPs. Only five per cent of MPs disagreed. | |
Sex | CARE - 10th August 2018 |
A National Union of Students survey found that 60% of school children are turning to porn to find out about sex. | |
Sex | Evangelicals Now - December 2015 |
Thousands of children as young as 13 are contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), a new study has highlighted. Figures from the Public Health England study show that, in the past five years, 178,845 teenagers under 19 contracted chlamydia. Of those, 2,938 were between the ages of 13 and 14. | |
Sex | Christian Concern - 23rd January 2016 |
Single Christians say according to a survey of 3000 Christians, 94% of whom were single: 54% hadn’t been on a date in the last year and only 5% date often. 57% would only marry a Christian; 42% might marry a non-Christian rather than stay single. 51% believe that sex belongs only in marriage and are fine with this; 27% believe this but find it hard to accept and live by. 14% thought it was ok to have sex before marriage, providing it took place within a loving, committed relationship. | |
Sex | Christianity Magazine - November 2014 |
Schools are being recommended a teaching resource suggesting that ‘sex at 13’ is normal, a Parliamentary committee has been told. Appearing in front of the Education Select Committee yesterday, Sarah Carter of the Family Education Trust, pointed MPs to the ‘Traffic Light Tool’ produced by ‘sexual health’ group Brook, reference to which is made in a booklet on sex and relationships education aimed at schools. | |
Sex | Christian Concern - 7th November 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about married Christian men: 55% look at pornography at least monthly 35% had an extra-marital sexual affair while married | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about middle-aged Christian men (ages 31-49): 77% looked at pornography while at work in the past 3 months 64% view pornography at least monthly 18% admit being addicted to pornography (and another 8% think they may be) | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about Christian men between 18-30 years old: 77% look at pornography at least monthly 36% view pornography at least daily 32% admit being addicted to pornography (and another 12% think they may be) | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
Children as young as ten are sharing explicit images over social media and on mobile phones, according to Freedom of Information requests. Dorset Police dealt with 66 incidents of sexting in the past year, nearly twice as many as the previous year. An NSPCC survey last year suggested that 60 per cent of teenagers had been asked to take sexual images or videos of themselves, and 40 per cent had created such content. | |
Sex | Christian Institute - 27th June 2014 |
Downing Street has rejected a call from a leading public health expert to consider lowering the age of consent for sex to 15. Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health has called for a national debate, saying society sends “confused” signals about when sex is permitted. But No 10 was swift to pour cold water on the idea. A spokesman said: “We reject the call to lower the age of consent. The current age is in place to protect children and there are no plans to change it.” Professor Ashton’s intervention follows official figures which suggest up to a third of teenagers have sex before the present age of consent of 16. He said lowering the age by a year would make it easier for 15-year-olds in sexual relationships to obtain contraception or sexual health advice from the NHS. | |
Sex | The Sentinel, November 18, 2013 |
Every household in the UK is to have pornography blocked by their Internet provider unless they choose to receive it, in a government decision that has been commended as a victory for Premier Christian Media’s Safetynet campaign. The campaign to protect children’s innocence online presented a 120,000-signature petition to Downing Street and has been credited by Claire Perry MP as having been instrumental in the government decision. As a result of the victory, porn-blocking filters will be automatically selected for new Internet customers – although they will be able to choose to switch them off. | |
Sex | Christianity, September 2013 |
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