Showing page 1 of 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...17 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
The UK Labour party is urging a ban on parents being told the sex of their baby after early blood tests because of concerns it may lead to sex-selective abortions. The NHS uses the non-invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) to check for genetic conditions but it is possible to pay privately to find out the sex of the baby. Thanks to an investigation by the Victoria Derbyshire show, a spotlight is being shone on thousands of British women who were found discussing using NIPT to determine the sex of their babies on an online forum. | |
Politics | CARE - 17th September 2018 |
An attempt to legalise euthanasia was resoundingly defeated in Finland in May. The Finnish Parliament voted 128-60 against an initiative on the issue. Lawmakers have agreed to carry out a comprehensive investigation into end-of-life care. | |
Politics | Evangelicals now - July 2018 |
Denmark has joined some other European countries in deciding to ban garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the niqab or burqa. In a 75-30 vote with 74 absentees, Danish MPs approved the government’s law. | |
Politics | The Sentinel - 1 June 2018 |
Ministers have been accused by MPs of risking national security by “turning a blind eye” to the Russian “dirty money” flowing through the City of London. The Commons Foreign Affairs Committee said despite the outcry over the Salisbury nerve agent attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies were continuing to use the City as a base for their “corrupt assets”. | |
Politics | The Sentinel - 21 May 2018 |
The Polish Government was warned by the EU about its plan to introduce pro-life legislation, it was reported in January. Polish ministers are pressing ahead with plans to change the law to protect unborn children with disabilities from being aborted. The EU claims that the proposals represent a ‘serious breach of European values’. | |
Politics | Evangelicals Now – February 2018 |
The British Government will fund abortions for girls under the age of 16 in Northern Ireland potentially without parental consent. | |
Politics | CARE Impact Direct - 17th November 2017 |
A survey has suggested that 77% of Conservative councillors believe that school sex education should include teaching about the importance of traditional marriage. The poll, carried out for the Coalition for Marriage, also found that just 3% believe that "allowing transgender people to change their legal gender without the need for medical diagnosis" is likely to win the party votes at the next election. | |
Politics | Christian Concern - 6th October 2017 |
The majority of councils in Wales say Christian prayers before meeting, according to the BBC. The Corporation reports that 13 councils hold Christian prayers before the beginning of a meeting, meaning it is not classified as an agenda item. Denbighshire council holds formal prayers at the start of full council meetings. | |
Politics | The Christian Institute - 28th July 2017 |
The United Nations has criticised the Government's counter-terrorism strategy, Prevent, as "inherently flawed". The criticism came in a UN Human Rights Council report, which said the policy is "inconsistent with the principle of the rule of law". The scheme has previously been criticised for targeting the wrong groups. Last year, it was used to ban a Christian Union from holding meetings on college premises. | |
Politics | Christian Concern - 23rd June 2017 |
Last year, local authorities in England earned themselves £756million from parking charges and penalties, an increase of nine per cent on the previous 12 months, and 34 per cent higher than 2011-12. | |
Politics | The Sentinel – 21st March 2017 |
Voters will have to show proof of identification before casting their ballot in a pilot scheme to stop electoral fraud. A trial of the ID scheme will take place at a number of polling stations all across England in the local elections in 2018. A decision will then be taken on whether to roll out the measure for the whole country. | |
Politics | The Sentinel - 9th January 2017 |
The house where Adolf Hitler was born will be demolished and replaced, to stop it becoming a focal point for neo-Nazis. The government is passing a law to make the owner sell up. | |
Politics | The Sentinel - 18th October 2016 |
The Government will push ahead with its plans to give schools’ regulator Ofsted the power to investigate church youth work. | |
Politics | The Christian Institute - 21st October 2016 |
In one of his first acts as Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson has lifted a ban on UK Embassies and High Commissions flying the rainbow flag, which is used as a symbol to promote LGBT lifestyles. It will be allowed to be flown on specific days, including the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and local Pride festivals. Under the former Foreign Secretary, only the flags of the UK, its overseas territories and the EU could be displayed. | |
Politics | Christian Concern - 12th August 2016 |
The government has said that changes to the position of the bishops in the House of Lords is not a "priority", in response to a petition that has called for their removal. The petition came after the Anglican Communion disciplined the Episcopal Church for its disobedience on same-sex 'marriage'. | |
Politics | Christian Concern - 13th February 2016 |
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