Showing page 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
Corneas have been grown in a British laboratory by scientists using adult cells, 3D printers and a carbohydrate found in seaweed, it was reported on 30 May. The breakthrough is the latest to show the promise of adult stem cells, which do not involve the destruction of human embryos. | |
Science | Evangelicals Now - July 2018 |
The tiny molecule found in the immune systems of humans and animals has been hailed as an ‘exciting discovery’ in the search for a cure for the common cold by scientists at Edinburgh Napier University. | |
Science | The Sentinel - 3rd August 2017 |
This week, scientists from the Francis Crick Institute have reported their “success” in editing the DNA of human embryos in what has been described by the BBC as “unravelling the mysteries of the earliest moments of life”. As ever, with developments in embryo research such as this there are crucial questions to be answered about the ethics, safety and necessity of the work. | |
Science | CARE Impact Direct - 22nd September 2017 |
Scientists have raised the spectre of designer babies once again, after researchers successfully removed DNA which causes a heart defect from human embryos for the first time. Using a technique known as Crispr-Cas9, scientists from the US and South Korea removed DNA which causes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from 58 embryos and allowed them to develop for a further five days. At the end of the controversial experiment, one in four embryos had re-developed the problem DNA. All of the embryos were destroyed afterwards. | |
Science | The Christian Institute - 4th August 2017 |
A new study suggests that gene editing technology may not be as safe as scientists have claimed, and could lead to introducing hundreds of unintended mutations into the human genome. Researchers, led by investigators at Columbia University Medical Center, found a number of mutations after sequencing the entire genome of mice that had undergone CRISPR gene editing. The technique was approved for use in the UK last year despite international criticism. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 23rd June 2017 |
A ‘sticking plaster’ made from adult stem cells could be a significant step towards combating heart failure, scientists say. Researchers discovered that stem cells taken from a patient’s thigh and transplanted onto the heart led to improved heart function after one year. | |
Science | The Christian Institute - 26th May 2017 |
Scientists have been able to keep premature lambs alive for weeks using an artificial womb that looks like a plastic bag, according to a study published today. The authors of the study, published in Nature Communications, hope that the new approach will lead to better survival chances for babies born prematurely. | |
Science | News at SPUC - 25th April 2017 |
A study published in the Journal Cell on 23 March 2017 reveals that the nervous system of embryos and fetuses may be greatly more developed than was previously believed. Entitled "Tridimensional Visualization and Analysis of Early Human Development" the study shows that unborn babies in the first trimester have "adult-like" patterns of nerves. | |
Science | News at SPUC - 19th April 2017 |
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has granted a team of doctors in Newcastle a licence to create embryos with DNA from three people. The doctors say that this will prevent children from dying of genetic diseases, but there are huge ethical concerns over who a child's parents are, the mass creation and destruction of embryos and the harvesting of eggs from vulnerable donors. The doctors say the first 'three-parent child' will be born in 2018. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 17th March 2017 |
Calls for the genetic editing of human beings by top scientific institutions in the United States have been labelled ‘irresponsible’ by an ethics watchdog. Last week, the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine issued a report sanctioning medical research that looks to manipulate DNA in human embryos. | |
Science | The Christian Institute - 24th February 2017 |
US scientists have cautiously endorsed a highly unethical technique that can genetically modify human embryos. The technique, Crispr-cas9, would alter the human germline, and the consequences, which are as yet unknown, would be down passed to future generations...A British ethics committee already greenlighted gene editing last year, despite international criticism. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 17th February 2017 |
Scientists have raised concerns that a new so-called 'fertility technique' may lead to "embryo farming" on a massive scale. Supporters of 'IVG' claim that the procedure could allow fertility clinics to create sperm and eggs from people's skin cells. It is currently in its infancy but is already raising serious ethical and safety concerns, including the mass production and destruction of embryos and the possibility of 'designer babies'. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 13th January 2017 |
Scientists have praised a new stem cell treatment which helps repair heart muscle damage, and is ethical and less risky than other techniques. A team of researchers successfully implanted “synthetic” cardiac stem cells for the first time, providing hope for patients who have suffered a heart attack. | |
Science | The Christian Institute - 6th January 2016 |
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has this week authorised the creation of 'three-parent' babies in the United Kingdom. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 16th December 2016 |
Motherless babies created from skin cells could become a reality, scientists suggest. On Tuesday, embryologists at the University of Bath announced they had succeeded in creating healthy baby mice by tricking sperm into believing they were fertilising normal eggs. | |
Science | Christian Concern - 17th September 2016 |
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