Showing page 1 of 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...38 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
Generally, women and single-parent families are most likely to be found in the bottom 20% of Britain’s income distribution, and women do 90% of the worst paid jobs. | |
Money | Joy – December 2005 |
More than 80% of Britons think there are too many abortions carried out and want to see the figure reduced. A poll of more than 1,000 adults also found 62% wanted to see the 24-week limit lowered significantly, given that over 80% of babies born at that age survive. 81% believed 200,000 abortions a year was too many and ways should be found of reducing the number. Some 89% backed the proposal that the government should hold regular review of abortion law to account for advances in medical knowledge. | |
Health | Direction – December 2005 |
According to UK charity CARE, 36% of conceptions outside marriage end in abortion. | |
Family | Prayer – Autumn 2005 |
The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck close to Muzaffarabad on October 8th is known to have caused more than 68,000 deaths in India and Pakistan. More than 2.5 million people have been made homeless, or put at risk due to collapsed roads and other damage to essential infrastructure. | |
Disasters/War | Evangelicals Now – December 2005 |
A recent survey found that 25% of people in Birmingham were living on or under the minimum wage of £5.05 an hour. | |
Money | The Universe – 20th November 2005 |
The number of priests in Italy will drop by a third over the next two decades, according to a survey for the country’s bishop’ conference. The survey showed the average age among Italy’s 32,990 diocesan priests had been kept at 60, thanks to the arrival of 1,500 younger clergy from abroad. However 42% of priests were over 65, and around one in ten currently quit the priesthood after ordination. | |
Church | The Universe – 20th November 2005 |
In 2003, there were over 40,000 reported atrocities against Dalits, previously known as the untouchables; Dalits represent a quarter of the population that the constitution and government have completely failed. Out of the 40,000 reported atrocities only 2% went to court. Crimes such as rape, physical abuse, the burning down of houses and even murder are common occurrences against Dalits. Dalit children are forced into bonded child labour where they work 14 hour days for a minimal amount of money. An estimated 80% of Dalits earn only £35 for the entire year’s work. | |
World Issues | The Church of England Newspaper – 18th November 2005 |
A BBC survey has found that not only are church congregations falling, but out of 67% who consider themselves Christian, only 17% go to church. | |
Church | The Church of England Newspaper – 18th November 2005 |
According to research, young people will spend an average of £4,320 each on ringtones over the next 15 years. A poll of over 1,000 mobile phone users aged 10-25 revealed that girls are most hooked on the ringtone craze, with 85% downloading them regularly, often at prices around £3. Girls aged 10-14 are in the habit most regularly, with two out of the three of them downloading at least six tones a month. | |
Young People | Youth Work – December 2005 |
A survey in Wales has found that almost 2,500 teens have attacked other young people in the past 12 months. Of the 13,000 questioned, police figures found that one in six boys had set upon another young person in the past year, aiming to cause serious harm. 60% of boys and 40% of girls said they could beat up someone else if they were provoked. 15% of boys aged 14-16 say they have attacked another child with the idea of causing serious harm in the past year. 60% of boys aged 14-16 said it was alright to beat someone else up if the other person started to fight, and 44% of girls aged 14-15 agreed. | |
Young People | Youth Work – December 2005 |
Number of 16 to 19 year olds who know a friend – Using alcohol or drugs 23%; Harming themselves 9%; Being bullied 15%; With anorexia / bulimia 12%; Suffering street violence 5%; With parents fighting 11%; Struggling with sexual experiences 6%. | |
Young People | Youth Work – December 2005 |
Number of 13 to 15 year olds who know a friend – Using alcohol or drugs 38%; Harming themselves 32%; Being bullied 23%; With anorexia / bulimia 23%; Suffering street violence 19%; With parents fighting 15%; Struggling with sexual experiences 15%. | |
Young People | Youth Work – December 2005 |
A survey of 1,600 teenagers carried out by the NSPCC found that half of those questioned know a peer who is suffering from harm but keep it a secret. The survey found 13 to 15 year olds were far more likely than 16 to 19 year olds to know another teenager being harmed. 13 to 15 year olds were four times more likely to know a friend being harmed through sexual experiences, five times more likely to have a friend who is self harming. | |
Young People | Youth Work – December 2005 |
The Church of Scotland carried out a survey in 2003, which found that 90% of its leadership is male, but males made up only 10% of its congregations. The Baptist Union of Great Britain found that 39% were men and 61% women, although just 9% of accredited ministers were women. | |
Church | The Baptist Times – 3rd November 2005 |
The African continent has 12 million Aids orphans and by 2010, is expected to have 25 million orphans. Sub-Saharan Africa alone is home to about 25 million of the world’s nearly 40 million HIV infected people. | |
Health | Christian Herald – 12th November 2005 |
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