Showing page 1 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...26 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
Florida is holding its first bear hunt in more than 20 years, despite opposition from animal rights groups. The state is allowing licensed hunters to kill 320 black bears to control their numbers. | |
World Issues | The Sentinel - 26th October 2015 |
Plans to introduce ‘English votes for English laws’ for MPs have been voted through the House of Commons, after a heated debate, by 312 to 270 votes. | |
Politics | The Sentinel - 23rd October 2015 |
A sugar tax and cutting buy-one-get-one-free deals are part Public Health England’s ‘key actions’ to tackle people’s addiction to sugar. Their long awaited report says the nation is ‘eating too much sugar’ leading to health problems and obesity. The report also called for less marketing aimed at children in-store, on TV and online...The report says achieving these levels could save the NHS £500m a year, but admitted no single measure would be effective. | |
Food and Drink | The Sentinel - 23rd October 2015 |
Vulnerable teenagers are frequently being evicted from local authority housing provided for them, a Children’s Society report reveals. The report states that 1,000 vulnerable teenagers across the country are being evicted from accommodation provided by their local authorities or made to leave at short notice every year. | |
Housing | Youthwork - November 2015 |
62 per cent of girls aged 11 to 21 know a girl or young woman who has experienced a mental health problem. Almost half of the girls aged 17 to 21 (46 per cent) have needed help with their mental health. These are just two of the shocking findings from this year’s Girl’s Attitudes Survey from Girlguiding. The survey also found that two-thirds of girls aged 17 to 21 think mental health is awkward to talk about. | |
Young People | Youthwork - November 2015 |
According to Evening Standard figures this year: ‘Knife crime in London soared by 18 per cent with around 1,000 knifing incidents a month and 10 young people murdered.’ | |
Crime | Youthwork - November 2015 |
One million people rallied in Rome 20 June under the banner ‘Let’s defend our children’. The rally was organised to express concerns over different Bills that the Italian Parliament is discussing on civil unions and gender theory being taught in state schools. There is a growing pressure to introduce legislation that will eventually redefine marriage away from the traditional understanding, open adoptions to individual parents, and impose gender teaching as the only acceptable ‘single thought’. In the background there is also another Bill against homophobia that will potentially threaten freedom of speech. | |
World Issues | Evangelicals Now - August 2015 |
Dr John Sentamu wants a ‘phone fast’ on the 25th so people can ‘focus on connecting with family and friends’. He's made his call as a survey found a quarter of us will check work emails on Christmas Day. | |
Family | Bible Society - 11th December 2015 |
An estimated 90 Christians are in a prison in Iran because of their witness to Jesus Christ, it was reported in June. At least 12 have been sentenced, usually for the crime of ‘working against national security’. The sentences range from one year to eight. The rest are believed to be in pre-trial detention. For 30 of these prisoners there is very little information. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelicals Now - August 2015 |
China’s legislature on 1st July passed a wide ranging and controversial national security law that tightens government control over many areas of life. The law broadly defines national security as covering everything from finance and cyber security to religion. It is part of a raft of policies by President Xi Jinping that have drawn criticism from foreign governments, businesses and rights groups. | |
World Issues | Evangelicals Now - August 2015 |
The German government has approved assisted suicide for “altruistic reasons”, making it legal for a doctor or relative to kill a patient who wishes to end their life. A bill to legalise "commercial" assisted suicide was rejected by a majority, but single instances are now permissible. | |
World Issues | Christian Concern - 14th November 2015 |
Women who had already had three or more abortions accounted for a further 4,600 abortions in 2014, the Department of Health has reported. Vix Proctor, a spokesperson for the abortion provider Marie Stopes, said that a majority of these women resort to abortions as "short-term methods of contraception". | |
Social Issues | Christian Concern - 14th November 2015 |
A prenatal test for detecting Down’s Syndrome could lead to gender-abortions, the Department of Health has warned. A review suggests that the NIPT test has become "the main technological development" to reveal a baby's sex from seven weeks onward. Added to the tragedy of abortions due to Down's, there are now concerns that women may abort on the basis of gender. | |
Social Issues | Christian Concern - 14th November 2015 |
A study published in March in the American journal Pediatrics finds that countries with the largest increases in income inequality between 2000 and 2010 showed the greatest declines in child well-being. | |
World Issues | Third Way - July 2015 |
The UK is the only G7 country to record rising wealth inequality – the disparity in the people’s total assets – throughout the period of 2000-2014, a report by Credit Suisse Research Institute shows: a trend, it’s says, that is likely to continue beyond 2019. | |
Social Issues | Third Way - July 2015 |
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