Key Quotes for 2005

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
There are 639 million small arms in the world, one for every ten people, produced by more than 1,000 companies in at least 98 countries.

World IssuesThe Universe – 23rd October 2005
A shock report reveals that there are 70,000 houses and flats standing empty in England, while 106,000 people are living in temporary accommodation.

The Universe – 23rd October 2005
The civil war in Burundi has claimed up to 300,000 lives since 1993. UNICEF estimates that 558,000 children have lost at least one parent and that 77,000 have lost both. One estimate suggests that 27,000 children under 15 in Burundi have AIDs.

Disasters/WarChristianity – November 2005
Around one quarter of people in South Africa are suffering from HIV/AIDs. Fuelled by AIDs, South Africa’s adult death rate increased by 62% in the five years 1997 to 2002.
HealthChristianity – November 2005
Official UK government marriage statistics suggest that within 25 years nearly half of all men in their mid-forties and more than a third of women will not have married. In the same period, the number of people cohabiting will have more than doubled to four million.

FamilyEvangelical Times – November 2005
The decline in spirituality among the young is a factor in Ireland’s rising suicide rates, according to the annual conference of the Irish Association of Suicidology. Suicide levels last year claimed the lives of 356 men and 101 women.

Religion/SpiritualityThe Universe – 16th October 2005
Legally assisted suicide is the first step to getting rid of the terminally ill, according to Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow.

HealthThe Universe – 16th October 2005
More than 11 million people in Britain have problems with food according to new research. Peoples increasingly unhealthy uneasy relationship with food is reflected by the fact that 63% of all adults say that if they feel overweight or out of shape, it affects their self esteem yet 52% turn to chocolate, the food drug of choice for comfort, as well as biscuits, cakes and pastries (42%) and fatty savoury snacks such as crisps and nuts (42%).
While 74% of adults say that eating healthily makes them feels better about themselves, most adults use junk food to give them immediate feelings of comfort and reward.

Food and DrinkThe War Cry – 24th September 2005
Children are keen cyber consumers, with more than half of 7 to 16 year olds having bought something over the internet, a 10% in crease on last year’s figure. According to research from Halifax, this year’s top internet shoppers are boys, 60% of whom buy items online, compared with 46% girls. This is a continuation of last years trend, when 50% of boys and 37% of girls shopped on the net.

ShoppingThe War Cry – 24th September 2005
Asylum seekers do not swamp the UK. After years of anti-asylum press stories, British people believe, according to a recent Mori poll, that the UK has 23% of the world’s refugees. The real figure is below 2%. Britain is 32nd in the worldwide league table of countries taking asylum seekers.
Social IssuesNew Frontiers – September – December 2005
The top three causes of homelessness are; Parents, relatives or friends not being able or willing to provide accommodation; Relationship breakdown and the end of short hold tenancy.
HousingNew Frontiers – September – December 2005
Homelessness affects all types of people, singles and families, men and women, old and young, those who had a good education and those who did not.

HousingNew Frontiers – September – December 2005
An average of 5,504 sleep on the street on any one night, 267 of those being in Greater London.
HousingNew Frontiers – September – December 2005
Homelessness affects many people. The figures for the hidden homeless population in the UK (i.e. living in hostels, squats, bed and breakfast and on the floors of friends and family) are around 380,000.
HousingNew Frontiers – September – December 2005
This year the A-level pass rate has risen slightly to 96.2%, up 0.2% on 2004, the 23rd successive rise since 1982 when the pass rate was 68%.

EducationThe Universe – 18th September 2005
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