Key Quotes for 2002

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Worship that costs us nothing is worth precisely what it costs. Learning to worship God is not a quick fix. It is an attitude of heart that affects our whole way of life. It takes time and trouble to develop, effort and sacrifice, discipline and determination to live your life and do your work as an expression of your worship to God.
Evangelist Victor Jack - Keswick Convention As printed in Worship Together Magazine
A report, by former Government economic adviser and parish priest the Reverend Bob Jackson, predicts the closure of thousands of churches and the disappearance of many dioceses by 2030 unless something can be done to halt the alarming trend. It says that, at the present rate of decline, adult attendance in 2030 will be 500,000 - less than two thirds of those going to church now and under half what it was in 1980. Almost no children will attend church. Nearly one in four children disappeared from church figures between 1999 and 2000 and for every 100 children who attended in 1930 there are now only 9.
Sentinel Sunday
Around 15.7 million people a year go clubbing in the UK, with up to one million going to nightclubs at the weekend.
The Sentinel
A recent UN survey has concluded that 1,500 families live on the rubbish in Guatemala. There are some 4,000 children in these families. Each day of the year, it is reported, at least one more family arrives, destitute, to set up home on the dump.
Divorce rates in England have jumped almost 2% - the first rise in five years, official figures have shown.
The Sentinel
67% of students said higher education should ready people for embarking on careers, less than half felt it was successful, a poll has revealed. Making money was the goal in their 20's, according to the survey.
The Sentinel
Christian relief agency Food for the Hungry UK recently received its first ever grant for Ethiopia from the European Union - 227,040 Euros. The grant will provide 825 tons of grain to feed 52,000 of the most needy people in Simada, South Gondar, for four months.
The Disasters Emergency Committee who spearhead the distribution of food supplies in Southern Africa, has warned that as many as 13 million people will go hungry this winter unless food aid is expanded drastically.
Sex, violence and bad language seem set to remain a firm feature of television broadcasting, according to Mediawatch-UK, the pressure group formerly headed by the late Mary Whitehouse.
The Church of England newspaper
The general public are still concerned about christening their children, despite the sharp decline in infant baptism, according to the Chairman of Baptism Integrity.
The Church of England Newspaper
In Iran apostasy carries a legal death penalty. In December 1990 Hossein Soodmand, a Christian convert from Islam, was hanged for apostasy in a state execution.
Barnabas Fund
To leave Islam is to commit apostasy, and, according to the Shari'ah (Islamic law), the punishment for apostasy is death for adult males who refuse to return to Islam.
Barnabas Fund
Black pupils regress in their first three years at secondary school. Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) statistics show that Black pupils are more likely to fail at school even though they are as bright as White pupils and are nearly three times more likely to be excluded than Whites.
13% of Blacks, who make up 23% of the population in Southwark, experience anxiety. This is compared to 18% of Whites who make up 68% of the population.
The US government is reported to have appealed to the Vatican to help persuade Zambia to accept American-grown genetically modified wheat, donated to relieve famine in a country where three million people are at risk of starvation. GM maize is being distributed in other parts of Southern Africa where over 14 million people are short of food.
The Church of England Newspaper
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