Key Quotes - Social Issues

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
allysally is a large public sector housing estate consisting of approximately 1100 dwellings, situated on the outskirts of Coleraine, N. Ireland. The area suffers from a concentration of social problems and a high level of deprivation. Unemployment is in excess of 60 per cent, over 30 per cent of families are single parent and 75 per cent of the population in the area depend on social security benefits.
Social IssuesChristian Irishman - March 2004
Burkina Faso,West Africa is a country that is classed as the third poorest in the world, where only 40% of the population has access to clean water.
Social IssuesChristian Herald, 10th Jan 2004.
One in eight children in the Republic of Ireland are in severe or consistent poverty.
38% of children in Northan Ireland live in poverty.
Approximately 90% of lone parents in Northan Ireland live below the poverty line. The majority of lone parents are separated, divorced or widowed.
The Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom have some of the highest rates of child poverty in the European Union.
Social IssuesChristian Irishman, Dec 2003-Jan 2004.
Christians make up just 3% of the population in India and there has been persecution with some states passing anti-conversion laws. We were told that 90% of women in India who are HIV positive have been faithful to their husbands.
Social IssuesChristian Irishman Dec 2003- Jan 2004.
Globally there are still 842 million people chronically undernourished. 798 million live in developing countries.
In 19 developing countries the number of hungry had fallen by a total of 18 million people, and 22 nations had managed to turn the tide against hunger.
Social IssuesEnough, Issue 3, 2003.
By 2050, eight billion people will populate the earth. More than two-thirds will live in the poorest countries.As part of the top 20% of the worlds population, we have more than 80% of the world's total income. In the last decade of the last century more of us become millionaires than during any decade in history, even those on the bottom of our society, living on social security are in the top 50% of the global population.
The bottom 20% of the world's population try to survive on less than 1.5% of the world's income. So more than 25,000 people die every day of every week of every year simply because they cannot access their fare share of the world's income!
More than 250 million children work for as little as 25 cents a day.
More than a million children are forced into prostition every year. Millions of kids, under the age of 15, are developing HIV and dying of AIDS.
Social IssuesEnough, Issue 5 2003.
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