Reviewed by Lynda James An interesting compilation using material written by five to 11 year olds at this year's Spring Harvest. The eight teams from Ayr, Minehead, Pwllheli and Skegness, including Scripture Union, Ishmael, Whizz Kids and Kings Kids, have all contributed in the making of this album, which also has a useful backing track and music book. Because a variety of songwriters and events feature on this album, the usual 'sameness' of most kids albums is avoided. Most of the songs are usable for a variety of settings - my favourite being "This Little Light" on Side 2, by Maranatha Music's Kids Praise Ernie Rettino and Debbie Kerner Rettino. It is a very creative piece which builds slowly and purposefully into a real praise and worship song. The usual kids humour is also there with songs like "If Jesus Is De Vine" (we must be de branches!). Corny, I know, but the song makes many scriptural statements in a way that will not be forgotten easily . The rhythm and tempo of these songs take them beyond the usual blandness of many kids songs around today - an excellent album, and highly recommended for those involved in kids worship.
Also reviewed in CR8:
The obvious question that the big market for this album will be among the tens of thousands who went to Skegness, Pwilheli, Minehead etc to participate in the teaching and praise phenomenon that is Spring Harvest shouldn't obscure the fact that there's much here to bless all those who want an album to help them worship God. The sound quality has definitely got better than heard on those early Spring Harvest live albums and there are some lovely moments here, Chris Bowater leading us into Dave Bilbrough's "All Hail The Lamb", the lovely new Kendricks song "Join Our Hearts" and the stirring climax on "You Will Ever Be Exalted". If you went to Spring Harvest you'll want this, if you didn't you should consider investigating it anyway.
Tony Cummings
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Dear Lynda James,
Do you have a copy of Spring Harvest - Kids Praise '91: Shaken But Not Stirred on cassette please?
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind Regards
Dan Seekings