Vineyard Music - Change My Heart Oh God: 25 Top Vineyard Worship Songs
STYLE: Pop RATING OUR PRODUCT CODE: 7520-7277 LABEL: Vineyard Music VMD9361R FORMAT: CD Album RRP: £16.99
Reviewed by Tony Cummings
As with the other albums in the 25 Top Vineyard Worship Songs series, this is a compilation of tracks taken from albums some of which are really ancient (Carl Tuttle’s immortal “Hosanna” stems from the very first Songs Of The Vineyard album released in the days when Wimber’s Vineyard had a lot of the California Jesus Music innocence about them) mixed in with live recordings taken from the Touching The Father’s Heart series. Many of the golden oldies have lasted really well considering their age (“Just Like You Promised”, “Isn’t He”) while the more recent stuff is carefully chosen even if some of the arrangements are a bit stylised. A useful set if you missed the original albums.
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